Forging Positive Change Together

Our generous donors and sponsors are our backbone and we couldn’t do our important work without them.
Why Donate to Kids Cooking for Life?
At Kids Cooking for Life we’re passionate about teaching children to cook delicious, affordable meals from scratch with fresh ingredients, because it empowers them to eat right for life. In California alone, 39.2% of all kids are overweight or obese. That’s nearly 4 out of every 10 kids and the numbers are increasing, especially since the pandemic.
Become a Sponsor
We’re honored to be sponsored by corporations, both local and national, family foundations, hospitals, school districts, counties and individual donors.
Sponsorship and donations are proudly recognized in our media platforms. Your tax deductible gifts can be both in-kind and financial. Ask us about how you can adopt a class or school for a semester or year.

“The doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”